Halloween and Dogs: Dos and Don’ts for a Safe and Spooktacular Celebration

Written by: Victoria Regan (Certified Master Trainer)

Halloween is a festive and exciting time of year, but it’s important to consider the safety and well-being of our furry friends during this holiday. At Valley Canine Training, we prioritize the happiness and wellbeing of dogs, which is why we want to share essential dos and don’ts to ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween for your canine companions.


1. Costume Considerations:
If you decide to dress up your dog for Halloween, choose a costume that is comfortable, safe, and does not restrict their movement or vision. Ensure that the costume does not have any small parts that can be chewed or swallowed. Allow your dog to get comfortable with the costume before the big day, and always supervise them while they are wearing it!

2. Safe and Secure Environment:
During Halloween festivities, it’s important to create a safe and secure environment for your dog. Keep them in a quiet and comfortable room away from the front door to prevent them from getting anxious or escaping. Provide them with their favorite toys, a cozy bed, and soothing background noise to help them relax.

3. Pet-Friendly Treats:
While indulging in Halloween treats, remember that many human treats can be harmful to dogs. Keep all candy, especially chocolate, away from your dog’s reach, as it is toxic to them. Instead, offer pet-friendly treats or make homemade dog treats to celebrate the occasion. Always consult with your veterinarian regarding safe treat options for your dog.

4. Identification and Microchipping:
With the increased foot traffic and potential for doors opening and closing, Halloween can be a risky time for dogs to escape. Ensure your dog is wearing a properly fitted collar with identification tags that include your current contact information. Consider microchipping your dog as an added layer of protection in case they become lost.


1. No Trick-or-Treating for Dogs:
While it may be tempting to take your dog trick-or-treating, it’s best to leave them at home. The excitement, noise, and unfamiliar costumes can cause stress and anxiety for dogs. Additionally, the constant opening and closing of doors can increase the risk of another person’s dog escaping and approaching your dog, which could result in a altercation.

2. Avoid Decorative Hazards:
Be cautious with Halloween decorations, as they can pose potential hazards to your dog. Keep lit candles, jack-o’-lanterns, and electrical cords out of your dog’s reach to prevent burns or electrical injuries. Be mindful of small decorations that can be chewed or swallowed, causing choking or intestinal blockages.

3. Say No to Costumes if Your Dog is Uncomfortable:
Not all dogs enjoy wearing costumes, and that’s perfectly okay. If your dog shows signs of distress, discomfort, or anxiety when wearing a costume, it’s best to skip it altogether. Respect your dog’s boundaries and find alternative ways to celebrate Halloween together.

4. Avoid Noise and Crowded Parties:
Loud noises, crowded parties, and constant doorbell ringing or door knocking can be overwhelming for dogs. Keep your dog in a quiet and secure area of the house, away from the commotion. Consider playing calming music or using white noise machines to help drown out the noise and create a soothing environment for your dog.

In conclusion Halloween can be a fun and enjoyable time for both humans and dogs, as long as we prioritize their safety and well-being. By following these dos and don’ts, you can ensure a safe and stress-free Halloween celebration for your furry friend. At Valley Canine Training, we believe in creating a positive and secure environment for dogs during holidays and every day. So, let’s make this Halloween a memorable and enjoyable experience for both you and your beloved canine companion!