Congrats to the Graduates of our Spring 2023 Reliable Recall Course!

Our clients successfully completed their Reliable Recall Course today! We ended the class with a fully off-leash walk in the forest. We practiced calling the dogs back multiple times during the walk. Everyone did so amazing! I am so proud off all the graduates of this class.

AT the beginning of this course 3 weeks ago, I asked each person individually what they would rate their dogs recall out of 10. (10 being best 1 being horrible.) Most people answered 1, 2 or 3. Here is what each person scored themselves at today

Guido – 9/10

Rosie – 9/10

Kili – 8/10

Lyla – 8/10

Gus – 9/10 (couldnt make it to class but we did a private lesson)

Unfortunately Lily and Lincoln couldn’t make it to the last class. But they have told us their dogs are doing amazing off leash!

After only 3 weeks of training all of these dogs will come back when called no matter what the distraction is! The reliable recall system that I have created has proven again to create amazing results. Which in turn has given all of these dogs off-leash freedom, not only to run around and get exercise but to also enjoy being dogs without the restriction of a leash!

Every client was so happy with their dogs results. Within a few weeks of continuing their recall training at home, most dogs will be 10/10. Ill be continuing to monitor my clients progress over the next few weeks, through our private online classroom to ensure 100% success in our course.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the course.

If you are interested in our Reliable Recall Course. You can find out more by contacting us at

Reliable Recall Course Explained

Are you sick of yelling your dogs name over and over as they run away from you and ignore you?

Tired of keeping your dog on leash in the forest because the fear of your dog running away is overwhelming?

DO you want to start your dogs training out right and avoid the above issues?

Do you wish you could just let your dog run free and know that they will come when called, no matter what the distraction may be?

If you have said “YES” to any of these questions above then this is the training course for you and your dog!

This 4-week course covers everything from how to properly introduce an e-collar as a training tool, making it FAIR to your dog, boundaries, and manners while off-leash Applying recall to real world distractions of dogs, people, and different environments. Our e-collar recall training phases 1-4 that correspond with up to date training methods. and much much more!

By the end of this course, you will feel confident knowing your dog will come when called no matter what the distraction may be!

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